sunday Morning small groups
The following is a listing of our adult Sunday small groups. For more information or help in finding the class that is right for you, please contact Rev. Kim Burke at

Meets at 9:30AM in Room 104 of the Family Life Center - In Person
A class for those interested in pursuing a curriculum of Christ-likeness based, in part, on materials and exercises from the Renovare International Institute on Christian Spiritual Development.

Meets at 9:30AM in Room of the Family Life Center - In-Person
Welcoming women of all ages, in all stages of their journey, to join us for faith conversations where we share our thoughts freely in a small group setting. Studies are selected by the group.

faith conversations
Meets 9:15-10:15AM in Room 202 of the Family Life Center
An open and inviting forum in which you are welcome to share and discuss issues of Christian faith and spirituality in today’s world. Faith Conversations is a Reconciling Community.

In Person
Growing families, growing faith. We are a class predominantly comprised of parents with children living at home, with the age range of attendees spanning early 30’s to mid-50’s, however all are welcome! Teaching leaders, topics covered, and teaching formats vary.