My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
Psalms 73:26
Senior adults are a vital part of our community of faith. Our Senior Adult Ministry seeks to provide fun and fellowship inside and outside of the church walls, and to foster the spiritual enrichment and growth of older believers. You can never "age out" of your identity as a beloved child of God or grow too old to be part of the church's most important mission - making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
First Friday 10:30am-12:00pm
Adults 55+ (or any age!) meet on the first Friday each month for a brief devotional followed by a special informational or musical program.
Travel Opportunities
Our seniors frequently take local field trips, and travel to destinations both domestic and international together. Contact our Senior Ministries Director for information about upcoming trips.
Nursing Home Services
We hold worship services at local nursing and retirement homes on a monthly basis. For more information on service times and locations, please contact Pastor Kim.

FUMC Bus Ministry
Sundays 10:30am
We provide transport to FUMC Boerne for residents at Morningside Ministries to attend the 11am Worship Service. Return transport is provided. For more information, or if you'd like to get involved as a bus driver, click the link below!